In her best selling book, Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert, asks the question, “What is creative living?” Her answer, “Any life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.” Julia Cameron uses the term, creative recovery, in her well
I’m Not Creative
Have you ever said to yourself, “I’m not creative” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body?” I’m here to tell you, that is absolutely not true! We are all creative! “Creativity is our true nature” according to
I Know I Can!
Have you ever heard of the children’s book “The Little Engine That Could?” The little blue engine has a mantra she uses when chugging up the mountain pulling the train loaded with toys for the children. She says “I think
The Art of Letting Go
Letting go is a life long lesson for me. Letting go of people, places and things does not come easily to me. I moved to a new space about three weeks ago and had many opportunities to practice the art
Five Ways To Be Courageous
What does it mean to be courageous? The dictionary defines courageous as brave or bold. It defines courage as the ability to conquer fear or despair, valor, bravery. For me, being courageous involves taking risks, stepping outside my comfort zone, letting