grief and loss title
  • How do you move on after you have suffered a loss? 
  • What triggers your grief?
  • What lessons will you discover as you navigate through grief and loss?
  • How can you move from grief and loss to hope?

If you resonate with any of the questions above, click here to check out my October 19th Retreat!


Imagine having someone in your life who can help you navigate your Wisdom Years, the third phase of your life. I specialize in working with women who are in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s+.  You are in the third act of your life. You know that time is precious and fleeting. You’re not done yet, there is so much more to discover!

Ask yourself where you have limited yourself or blocked yourself from receiving all the good the Universe can send you. It’s time to shift your focus and get aligned with what you really want in in your life. The Wisdom Years are the ideal time to do this. Yes, you can have it all!

I will help you to reconnect to your BEAUTIFUL BRILLIANCE, tap into your Intuition  and live a Creative and Fulfilling life. 

Learn more about life coaching …

If you are curious about coaching,
I invite you to schedule a Complimentary
Discovery Session.

Nancy's Mission

“My mission is to help women to claim their power, speak their truth, manifest their dreams and to live up to their potential. I support women in taking risks, going to the edge of their courage, defining their life purpose, being authentic and clarifying their core values. I encourage all my clients to celebrate their spirit, open to opportunities and possibilities and to share their unique talents and gifts with the world.”

– Nancy Jambor

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“Collection of Whispers from a Wise Woman”

whispers from a wise woman