The Artist’s Way 12 - Week ClassA Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

the artists way book
  • Do you believe that you are creative?
  • Have you ever felt creatively blocked?
  • Are you ready to reignite your creativity?
  • Do you want to learn how affirmations can be a powerful tool for you?
  • Do you let self limiting beliefs stifle your creativity?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above,
this 12 week class is designed for YOU!

The requirements for this class are:


  1. Attendance at weekly classes
  2. Daily commitment to “Morning Pages” (15-25 minutes of stream of consciousness writing in the morning)
  3. Weekly “Artist Date” (a date with yourself to do something fun, adventuresome, playful and intentional)
  4. The Artist’s Way (available at local bookstores and


Space is limited to 6 participants

“I truly enjoyed Nancy‘s Artist’s Way class! It was refreshing to attend a class with like-minded people where we felt open to share how the exercises in the book can make a positive impact to our daily life. Besides the many excellent exercises given in the book, Nancy also implemented some of her own fun activities. The very best part of the class was how Nancy made sure we all felt so comfortable with each other. It felt like our own little ‘Artist’s Way’ family!” ~E.D. Fridley, MN

Other Classes I Offer

The Vein of Gold, A Journey to Your Creative Heart​

You will explore, expand and stretch into your creative self in this journey of creative living. Learn how “inner play” can lead to authenticity, growth, renewal and healing. We will explore the Kingdoms of Story, Sight, Sound, Attitude, Relationship, Spirituality and Possibility. The Vein of Gold, the companion book to Julia Cameron’s best selling book, The Artist’s Way, will guide us on our journey to the heart of creativity.

Contact me if you’re interested in this class!


Living in Prosperity and Creating a Life of Enough​

Have you ever asked yourself the question, what is enough?  Many of us struggle with the concept of living a prosperous and abundant life. The Prosperous Heart: Creating a Life of Enough by Julia Cameron will guide us as we explore what it means to live in Prosperity. You will be given a few basics tools which will guide you on your journey to a prosperous life. You will explore what blocks your prosperity, including self limiting beliefs, fear and self-sabotage. You will learn to replace them with affirmations and a new found confidence in your ability to live a prosperous life.

Contact me if you’re interested in this class!


Treasure Mapping

In this class you will learn about Treasure Mapping, a hands-on, creative, fun process that can be done in a group or alone. Treasure mapping is a visual representation of what you want to achieve. Your vision board or treasure map can represent your goals, dreams, visions; whatever you want to manifest in your life. There are no rules in treasure mapping. I will share with you a few guidelines to help you get the most out of this creative, fun-filled, experiential class.

Contact me if you’re interested in this class!

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