artists wayMorning Pages are one of two pivotal tools used in Julia Cameron’s best selling book, The Artist’s Way. Morning pages are three pages of longhand writing, strictly stream of consciousness.  Morning pages are about whatever shows up for us in the moment. Sometimes they are angry, negative, silly, repetitive, fragmented or sarcastic. They are not meant to be smart, witty or high art. Cameron says “the morning pages are the primary tool of creative recovery.”

The benefits of morning pages are numerous. Morning pages urge us to be specific, they bring problems into the light and they facilitate finding solutions. The pages push us toward clarity & vagueness disappears. Morning pages put us in touch with reality. Cameron compares writing morning pages to wiping a mirror. “Each day’s morning pages take a swipe at the blur you have kept between you and your real self.” Morning pages get us to the other side of our fear, our negative thinking, our bad moods and most importantly, they get us beyond our Censor. Morning pages are a powerful tool in creative recovery and if done consistently can lead to profound and lasting changes.

Why do Morning Pages?