This blog post is all about a sneak peek at my September Artist’s Way Class. Here are a few juicy tidbits to whet your appetite. You will learn about the powerful and yet simple tools of the Artist’s Way, Morning Pages, Artist Date and walking. You will discover how to re-ignite your creative spark. You will learn to identify what blocks your creativity and how to blast through those blocks. You will become acquainted with the concept of synchronicity and how the universe really is on your side. Julia Cameron states that “We say we are scared by failure, but what frightens us more is the possibility of success. Take a small step in the direction of a dream and watch the synchronous doors fly open.` Expect the universe to support your dream. It will.” Here is what one Artist’s Way student had to say about the class. “I truly enjoyed Nancy’s Artist’s Way class! It was refreshing to attend a class with like-minded people where we felt open to share how the exercises in the book can make a positive impact to our daily life. Besides the many excellent exercises given in the book, Nancy also implemented some of her own fun activities. The very best part of the class was how Nancy made sure we all felt so comfortable with each other. It felt like our own little ‘Artist’s Way’ family!” -E.D.
If I have peaked your interest, please join us in September for the next Artist’s Way Class, you’ll be glad you did. Details can be found at
How exciting that you are going to do a tele-class! Your expertise and warm interaction with everyone will be so great for people to join in on your class from near and far. Congrats!
Thanks for your kind comments Elda! It’s always nice to hear from you:)
Hi Amy, thanks for your comments. Your monthly artist group sounds like fun. It’s always inspirational to see what other artists are working on isn’t it? I will miss you in June and I so support you in what you are doing, great self care. I have toyed with the idea of not being on facebook on Sundays and so far it’s just a thought. I will keep noodling it. Facebook is a great tool for those of us who are entrepreneurs and it can also be a huge time suck. Can you tell I have mixed emotions about facebook? Enjoy your time off Amy!
Hi Nancy,
Sounds like a fun class. I have a copy of The Artist’s Way and have tried doing Morning Pages, but it just never stuck. I’m not sure it’s my book, but I do go to a group once a month for artists to gather and share what they are working on. That is really a fun group. Amy, the moderator of the group, teaches an Artist’s Way class too. Maybe someday, but right now it’s not really on my list. Good luck with it, though! It’s definitely some good stuff.
It’s great that you’re supporting others through this. I’ve worked through it on my own a long time ago, and I’m also helping others, although not just artists 🙂
Thanks for your comments Linda. The Artist’s Way has been life changing for me and when I first read the book in 1999, I felt compelled to share the process with others. I have been writing morning pages consistently for almost 16 years and they have made such a difference in my world view. It is a powerful process and I love to share it with others:)
Sounds great! I’ve tried making it through the book a few times with no luck. I’m sure it’s a lot more fun doing it with a group of people.
Hi Tat, Mayan is also interested in doing an Artist’s Way group so I am going to follow my intuition and create a tele-class. I hope you will be able to join us!
Nancy, The Artist’s Way is such an amazing book and process. Have fun with your class!
Thanks Janet, I appreciate your support.
Hi Nancy! So amazing that you’re holding a class for this! I was introduced to the Artist’s Way about a year and a half ago when I felt stuck in my writing and wanted to spark my creativity. What I got out of it was so much more than that, though… awareness about cultivating joy through the artist dates and increased self awareness in general. It has led to some major life decisions which turned out to be really good ones! I’m interested in how it could be done in a group setting. Is your class available remotely?
Hi Mayan, I have been playing with the idea of doing an Artist’s Way tele-class and it sounds like now is the time. I will keep you posted on my progress. I want to be able to share the Artist’s Way in a bigger arena and I think a tele-class may be the way to go. I will schedule a free tele-class to introduce people to the AW and then launch my full program. The group support makes such a difference:)
I used to be really afraid of success. I learned in a psych class in 2009 that that’s actually a legitimate fear and more common than people think. It took me many years to let go of it. It never stopped me from moving ahead, but it did slow down greatly the pace at which I did so. I’m no longer afraid of success. Now I look forward to it and welcome it. ♥
— Tia
Thanks for your comments Tia! Sounds like you’ve made big changes in how you look at success and welcome it into your life:)