candleOn Saturday, September 12, I had the privilege to be in community with eight beautiful and amazing women. We came together at my retreat Finding Your Voice in the Silence at Carondelet Center in St Paul. Three of the women were new to my retreats and they were not quite sure what to expect. At the end of the retreat they were filled with new insights, self awareness, aha moments and practical tools to take into their everyday lives. Every time I facilitate a retreat I am touched by the honesty, courage, openness and willingness of the participants. This retreat was no exception. The heart-felt sharing, willingness to look within themselves and the recognition of what needs to be changed resonated throughout the room. It’s like peeling the layers of an onion, more and more is revealed as each layer is laid aside. I was so honored to witness the process that occurred for each of the participants. The retreats I lead are truly transformational, and deep learning occurs if one is willing to take risks and stretch outside one’s comfort zone.

We spent 1.5 hours in silence in the afternoon each doing our own thing. Some of the women walked the grounds, some stayed in the room to journal or color, and some sat in a quiet, peaceful place in reflection. When I queried the group about the amount of time in silence, too much or not enough, the feedback was almost unanimous. We want more time in silence! At my next silent retreat we will spend 2 to 2.5 hours in silence. Here’s what one participant had to say about her retreat experience. ”

“I had such an enriching day at your retreat, Finding Your Voice in the Silence. You have a gift for doing what you do, and it’s so wonderful to see you in a place that suits your talents so perfectly.  I loved the peace and clarity I took away from the day and most of all, the time I spent with “just me” was more rewarding than I ever could have imagined. Looking so forward to my next Nancy retreat – hopefully in November!” -Susie D.

I invite you to join me at my next retreat, Discover The Artist’s Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, on November 7 at Carondelet Center in St Paul. Details are on my website.
Another Abundant Retreat
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