Fall is my favorite season and it is calling to me once again. What is it about Fall that speaks to me every year? Let me count the ways. The air is crisp and clear. The leaves are changing from green to amazing shades of scarlet, gold, magenta, crimson, burnt sienna, blazing orange and brilliant red. Fall is harvest time. Farmers are harvesting their crops, apple orchards are bursting with plump, juicy apples. Apple crisp, apple brownies and homemade applesauce are calling to me. I have fond memories from childhood of raking huge piles of leaves and jumping into them with my sisters. In those days it was legal to burn leaves and I can still smell the burning leaves, a sure sign of fall. Crops are not the only things brought to harvest in the Fall. Ideas too, come to fruition in the Fall. The seeds were planted in the Spring, germinated in the Summer and now are ready to be harvested and brought to life in the Fall. One of my ideas which is being born this Fall is the Artist’s Way Retreat in October. The idea was planted some time ago and is now ready to be harvested, brought to life. I am excited to reap the harvest, share the bounty and celebrate with the amazing women who will be joining me at the retreat.
What about you? What ideas are ready to be harvested? What gifts are you ready to share with the world? Where have you been holding yourself back? What opportunities are available to you? What is it to have a full, abundant life?
I invite you to step back from the demands of your daily life and embrace the creativity that lives in you, experience the healing energy of women’s wisdom and immerse yourself in the deep silence of the woods. Join me at the Artist’s Way Retreat, October 19-21 at the ARC Retreat Center.