Last Saturday I was privileged to spend the day with seven Amazing women at my Let it Go, Let it Flow Retreat in St. Paul. There is something deeply powerful and profound when like-minded women gather together for a day
What is Creative Living?
In her best selling book, Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert, asks the question, “What is creative living?” Her answer, “Any life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.” Julia Cameron uses the term, creative recovery, in her well
10 Tips on How to Reduce Stress in Your Life
Earlier this week I participated in a webinar called “Radical Ideas for Radical Times.” During the webinar, the facilitator, Laura West, of talked about some current and rebounding trends. Two of the trends really jumped out at me, stress and
Share Your Shine!
I attended a retreat the last week of October in Virginia Beach, VA, called Creative Business Retreat by the Sea. It was led by the amazing LauraWest at and it was Fabulous! During one of the sessions, the phrase “Share
Time is Fleeting
How can it be the 26th of September already? Yesterday morning as I was writing my Morning Pages, it occurred to me that the month of September is almost over. Where did it go? Yes, I facilitated a women’s retreat