How can it be the 26th of September already? Yesterday morning as I was writing my Morning Pages, it occurred to me that the month of September is almost over. Where did it go? Yes, I facilitated a women’s retreat on September 10th and yes, I facilitated the first meeting of WETC (Women Entrepreneurs Twin Cities) networking group, but that’s only two days plus prep time. The strong message I received in my pages yesterday was to appreciate every single moment, to be present in the moment, right here, right now. This moment will never come again. The older I get, the faster time flies. Slow down time, you’re going too fast! There’s so much I want to do, need to do. So many places to see, people to meet, retreats to create, clients to coach, trips to take, dates with my granddaughter, roses to smell, adventures to enjoy. My take away from this aha moment is to take care of business sooner rather than later. Forgive those who have hurt me, let go of any resentments I might be hanging on to, make a Gratitude List, count my blessings, be of service, take risks, stretch myself professionally, take that trip to Costa Rica, travel to England and Ireland. Life is short, celebrate each and every day!
What about you? What’s on your Gratitude List? Are you hanging on to any anger or resentments? If yes, let them go. How can you make the most of the time you have each day? What’s really important to you? What’s on your Bucket List?