dolphinsI finished up my 30 Day Passion Project today and I have mixed emotions about that. I am grateful for the community of creative, intelligent, sensitive, aware people I’ve been blessed to associate with for the last 30 days. It has been an interesting time full of new insights, aha moments, becoming visible, re-framing my project, owning my creative power, taking risks, letting my light shine and so much more. I choose to see this ending as the beginning of another creative journey. I will take what I have learned in the group and move forward with not one, but many creative projects. “Creativity is our true nature” Julia Cameron says and I agree with her statement. I have witnessed it in the past 30 days in myself and the others in the group. It has been Amazing to be surrounded by all of the creative energy, enthusiasm and celebration of the group. I has been such a Joy to be part of this supportive community for the last month and I know that we will stay connected as we continue our Creative Journeys. A big shout out to Laura West, the creator of the 30 Day Passion Project. She is a Passionista for creativity in business! Her website is



Finishing with a Flourish!
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2 thoughts on “Finishing with a Flourish!

  • May 27, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    Sounds like it was a truly amazing journey! I too love being connected to creative….light shining folks….like you!

    • May 28, 2014 at 5:21 pm

      It was an Amazing journey. And I consider you one of the light shining folks I am connected to:)

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