yellow birdsThis is a Just for Fun post. The idea came from a facebook post I saw about an icebreaker activity at a networking event.

Here goes! Just answer the following six questions and share with me on facebook.


What is your favorite local restaurant?

What is your favorite PBS series?

What is your favorite hobby and why?

What is your favorite comfort food?

What is your favorite vacation destination?

What is the highlight of your week?

Here are my answers.

Lucia’s in Minneapolis

Downton Abbey

Doing art projects with my granddaughter Ana because we have so much fun together


Ely. MN

Coaching calls with my Awesome clients

I would love to hear from you, please share your favorites with me!

Six of My Favorite Things
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2 thoughts on “Six of My Favorite Things

  • April 27, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    Hmm, just one of each? Colonial Inn, Downton Abbey, walking because it feels good and I think up good stories while doing it, pizza, Hawaii, and sitting in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine and my guy. 😍

  • April 27, 2016 at 2:20 pm

    112 Eatery
    Inspector Morse
    Can’t choose – lately I’m into indigo dipping and shibori
    Ice cream
    Crystal Lake in Highland National Forrest in Wisconsin
    Friday afternoon happy hour at home with Rafael

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