I made a decision yesterday to change direction with my 30 Day Passion Project. I was feeling overwhelmed with creating my first teleclass including the technology involved and re-formatting The Artist’s Way Class into a teleclass format. My new Passion Project is to passionately play everyday until the end of the class. Yesterday, I did an exercise from The Artist’s Way called Imaginary Lives. The exercise posed the question “If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?” Here are the ones I chose: writer, ballet dancer, drummer, camp counselor, photographer, yoga teacher and retreat leader ( I had a hard time sticking to only five lives). To make it more playful and fun, I did a collage of my five lives and enjoyed spending time with my markers and colored pencils. Today I played with acronyms.
The possibilities are endless. I can and I will trust the process! I can and I will commit to my Passion Project! I can and I will own my Creative Power! I can and I will say Yes to my Passion Project! What about you? How can you include more play in your life? In what part of your life do you need to change direction?
I understand feeling overwhelmed with the technology…I’m struggling with doing some painting videos. I’m working on some e-classes and before I can really move forward I need to figure out this video thing. Something is holding me back and I’ve just got to get a handle on it! But I am determined and I will figure this out! SOON! I have read “The Artist’s Way” twice, but maybe I too need to go back and do a little reading to get my self ‘back on track’!
Debbie, thanks for your comments. One of the best things I can do for myself when I’m feeling overwhelmed is to take a break from whatever is overwhelming me. Walking in nature is a big one for me. It’s good for my body, mind & soul. Walking gives me clarity, helps me to change direction if needed and it sparks my creativity. “The Artist’s Way” is such a wonderful tool, so much wisdom there.