Happy 2017 to my Facebook friends! I want to share some thoughts with you about setting intentions for the New Year. Typically the beginning of the year is a time to consider what we want to accomplish or manifest in the new year. The dictionary defines intention as a determination to act in a certain way; purpose, aim, objective. For me, it means being mindful, purposeful, direct and clear about asking the Universe for what I want to manifest in my life. My friend, Laura West of joyfulbusiness.com sent each of her clients a gift of a downloadable Vision Map template for the new year. What a great gift! The map includes a Vision for 2017, where you are at presently in your life and business, possibilities for the future and celebrations for what you created/accomplished in 2016. I completed a Vision Map when I attended Laura’s Creative Retreat by the Sea in October, 2016. It was a real eye opener for me. Here’s what I discovered.
- I intend to lead retreats in beautiful locations
- I intend to have my classes, retreats and workshops for January-June, 2017 on my website this month
- I intend to lead a retreat in Northern Minnesota in 2017
- I intend to travel more in 2017
- I intend to blog bi-monthly this year
- I intend to listen to my inner wisdom more
- I intend to network more this year
The word intention comes from the Latin root intendere, meaning to stretch toward. Some of my intentions will definitely stretch me and push me to step outside my comfort zone. I have my Vision Map for 2017 and if a roadblock or obstacle pops up, I will regroup, refocus and navigate around the roadblock or adjust my course. I’m excited about the POSSIBILITIES in 2017!
What about you? What’s your vision for 2017? What intentions will you set? What do you hope to accomplish this year?
I invite you to join me at my January 21 Retreat, Moving Into the Light, a Day of Healing, Hope and Coming Together. We will be setting intentions for what we want to manifest in our lives at the retreat. Please visit my website for details. http://nancyjambor.com/events/
You list is good and seems do-able! They seem clear and intertwined also. I think you will reach your intentions! I am still putting pen to paper for mine – but they are coming together – along with my vision board and my collage of my word of the year!