Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend a powerful retreat at Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul. The retreat was called “From Broken to Bold, Finding Our Voice of Resilience and Resistance.” A keynote address which included singing spirituals as a group kicked off the retreat. The keynote speaker talked of singing as a form of prayer, a spiritual practice. I was struck by the power and energy of singing with a group of 125 women. It was so empowering! The speaker also talked about being a light bearer and encouraged us to be generous with our light. What an important challenge for all of us during this interesting time in our world. Let your light shine and let it shine brightly for all to see.

I attended a morning workshop entitled “Letting the Light In: writing about brokenness.” The facilitator, Karen Hering, gave us a number of writing prompts which brought forth some powerful writing from the group. We explored the brokenness in our world and in ourselves. I found the first prompt, What’s broken is…. to be cathartic and insightful. I explored a broken relationship in my life which is fractured, split, cracked and painful. I wrote about seeking to build a bridge where there is now a wall. I gently explored how this brokenness might be healed and how I might open myself to the light and truth I am seeking. I have always found writing to be a powerful spiritual practice which eventually provides answers and solutions for whatever is troubling me. Leonard Cohen said, “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” I will continue my daily writing practice trusting that the brokenness will be healed and the light will flow in to shine on new beginnings.

What about you? What’s broken in your life? What’s whole in your life? How can brokenness lead you to a new beginning?

From Broken to Bold
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One thought on “From Broken to Bold

  • January 29, 2017 at 8:00 pm


    Thank you for sharing your blog with me. Your thoughts, insights and your invitation to others create a powerful message.

    I’m delighted that you came to the retreat and that you were both welcomed and nourished.

    Warm regards,


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