Where do I belong? What a provocative question. I wrote this in a journal entry a few days ago and thought it might make an interesting blog post. I belong in nature, in the great outdoors. That’s where I am
Reflections on Prayer
In February of this year I took a writing class at a neighborhood church and it had quite an impact on me. As I was brainstorming ideas this morning for an upcoming retreat centered on prayer, I looked back on
From Broken to Bold
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend a powerful retreat at Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul. The retreat was called “From Broken to Bold, Finding Our Voice of Resilience and Resistance.” A keynote address which included singing spirituals as a group
Living in the Question
Do you ever feel stuck, like your life is not moving forward, like you are standing still, motionless? I do! Lately it feels like my energy is blocked, that my business is not moving forward or in any direction at
The Art of Letting Go
Letting go is a life long lesson for me. Letting go of people, places and things does not come easily to me. I moved to a new space about three weeks ago and had many opportunities to practice the art