“When you do things from your soul, a river moves through you. Freshness and a deep joy are the signs.” – Rumi I saw this quote from Rumi on facebook and decided to not only share it on my facebook
Discover the Artist’s Way!
CALLING ALL ARTIST’S WAY FANS! Ignite your creative spark! Whether you’re new to the Artist’s Way or you want to jump start your Morning Pages & Artist Date, this is the class for you. Join us for this creative, fun filled,
Why I Blog
Why do I blog? I blog because I enjoy writing. I love words and language and blogging is a creative outlet for me. I have always loved writing, letter writing, poems, hand written thank you notes. Remember the days when we
Mission Statement
Recently I had the opportunity to revisit my earlier morning pages going all the way back to 1999. I cleaned out my storage unit last week and am now starting to shred my previous morning pages. I’ve been writing them for
Living a Purposeful Passionate Life
I will be speaking at a networking meeting on February 12th and my topic is Living a Purposeful Passionate Life. For me, it’s about being excited to begin my day, feeling energized about the work I do and making a