Trust yourself quoteI saw a quote on facebook today posted by my friend Laura West of and it said “Trust Your Heart.” It really spoke to me. So many times I get into my head and go round and round with some issue, when what I need to do is listen to my heart and trust myself. Trust requires letting go and courage. When I tune in to my intuition, my heart, my inner wisdom, I am on my right and perfect path. A current example of this is my upcoming retreat in May, The Journey to Self Knowledge through Journal Writing. The women who need to hear my message always show up and my job is to trust myself, my Higher Power and the Universe for a perfect outcome. So today, I can and I will let go. I can and I will step into my courage. I can and I will trust my heart.

What about you? Do you ever struggle with trusting yourself? If yes, what is one small step you can take today to let go and trust yourself? What happens when you listen to your heart?  How can you step into your courage today?

Please click on the Events link on the right side of page for details about my next retreat. Treat yourself to a day devoted entirely to you!




Trust Yourself
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5 thoughts on “Trust Yourself

  • April 7, 2016 at 11:36 am

    I’m a huge proponent of listening to your heart – my guides have always insisted it is a fabulous compass to navigate by. And I’ve always found the truth in that.

  • April 3, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    I do like to listen to my intuition and also to how something makes me feel. It always seems to make a big difference on the outcome of some event or project when I follow what makes me feel good instead of focusing on things that I think I ‘should’ be doing.

    Wishing you the best for your retreat!

  • April 2, 2016 at 10:20 am

    Thanks for your comments Vickie! I am a big believer in trusting my intuition. When I do, my decisions are spot on. When I don’t, I end up living in the problem instead of the solution.

  • April 2, 2016 at 9:54 am

    Intuition is often overlooked – we should trust it more! Every time I read your blog – I research retreats near me – I’d really like to do a weekend of silence this year – hopefully I can swing it financially. Actually – i will be able to swing in financially – learning to work on manifesting more. Great post!

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