Morning Pages are one of the basic tools in Julia Cameron’s book the Artist’s Way. Morning pages are three pages of stream of consciousness writing, done in the morning upon awakening. Why in the morning? In the morning our mind is free and clear of all the chatter, busyness, to do lists and distractions that take up space in our heads every day. Morning pages get us to the other side of fear, negativity, judgement, our inner critic and all the rest of it. Morning pages are a powerful tool and if written on a daily basis can change our lives. They provide a place to dump and vent all the self limiting, petty, critical thoughts that block us from our creativity. They allow us to stop listening to our Censor. The one that says “Are you kidding, you can’t do that” or “Get real, you’ll never write that book, paint that masterpiece, create that workshop.”
I have been writing morning pages consistently since 1999. Here are some of the benefits I have gained from this wonderful practice.
- connecting to my creativity
- creative problem solving
- developing a regular meditation practice
- finding my voice
- starting my day in a centered, positive direction
- tuning in to my wise inner voice
- learning to play
- identifying problem areas
- exploring my dreams
Moring pages are a powerful tool and if done on a daily basis can totally reframe how we view the world and ourselves. If you are interested in learning more about morning pages and the Artist’s Way, contact me about upcoming classes.
Love Morning Pages! They’ve been a staple in my spiritual practice since the first time I did The Artist’s Way. A good way to clear my head, but also find little nuggets of wisdom floating around in there I didn’t even know I had.
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