As I was walking along the West River Road this morning, I noticed that the path was like an obstacle course. There were huge areas covered with ice that were either frozen solid or turning to slush. In order to navigate the walking path safely and successfully, I chose to utilize some very specific skills. I was focused, present in the moment, intentional about my choices, listening for runners and walkers behind me, careful about my next step and paying attention to my surroundings.

Like the path this morning, life can also be an obstacle course, filled with challenges, choices, pitfalls, questions and decisions. Navigating through life can be hazardous and treacherous, though it can also be fun and rewarding. As a Life Coach I help my clients find their way through the challenges, choices and decisions that arise. Clients hire me because they are looking for  meaningful,  impactful, rich and full lives. My role as Coach is to help clients move forward in their lives and to provide on-going clarity,  focus and support during the process. The end result being a feeling of empowerment for clients which allows them to live successful and satisfying lives. Contact me today to see if Life Coaching is right for you!

The Obstacle Path Called Life

2 thoughts on “The Obstacle Path Called Life

  • March 8, 2014 at 9:24 pm

    Nancy, Hope you enjoyed your wonderful walk today. I truly enjoyed reading all your wonderful blog pieces. You are an amazing coach with great insight!

    • March 12, 2014 at 4:16 pm

      Doreen, Thanks for your kind words & your support!

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