Walking in this WorldWalking in this World is the sequel to Julia Cameron’s hugely successful book, The Artist’s Way. Cameron believes that walking is as important as the two basic tools of The Artist’s Way, Morning Pages and the Artist Date. I agree! I walk on a regular basis and some of my most creative ideas come to me as I am walking. My goal is a 1-2 hour walk at least 5 days per week. As I walk in nature, I tune in to my inner wisdom and creativity.

As I walked along the River Road yesterday I felt as if I had entered a magical winter wonderland. I came to a stand of trees with snow covered branches reaching skyward. They reminded me of graceful sculptures extending their arms toward the sun. It was a breathtaking scene. Walking is expansive for me. When I walk my mind takes in new images, perspectives and ideas. I am fully present in the moment, all five senses engaged. For me, walking is a form of meditation, it grounds and centers me, putting me in touch with gratitude. John Muir, conservationist and explorer once wrote,”I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out til sundown, for going out, I found, I was really going in.”

Walking renews me, re-energizes me and reframes my outlook. It is good for body, mind and soul. What about you? Where do you need to expand more in your life? Where do you need to be more open? Where do you feel stuck? If you are at a crossroads in your life, which direction do you need to go? Call me for a complimentary coaching session to see if Life Coaching is right for you. And get out and walk!

Walking My Way to Wisdom