candlesLast Sunday I participated in a virtual gratitude retreat. This was a first for me. I had never been on a virtual retreat before. It was a two hour retreat and the other four women and I were connected via telephone. The retreat was led by Coach Mary Olk and Coach Michelle Burns and they did an amazing job. I was struck by how they created a sense of place where we were all gathered in a warm, cozy room with a blazing fire in the fireplace, natural light streaming in through the large  windows which overlooked a beautiful natural setting. We started by lighting our candles at the same time and setting an intention for our retreat. We wrote about what and who we are grateful for. There was a guided visualization that centered on gratitude for our bodies. As Michelle guided us on our journey where we thanked each part of our body for the work it does, I noticed that a sense of peace and awareness came over me. I felt focused, present in the moment, calm, peaceful and in touch with my body. After the visualization, we all got off the phone for 30 minutes to reflect, write, draw, walk, whatever called to us in that moment. I spent my time answering some questions Mary and Michelle had given us and reflecting on the guided visualization. Here are a few of the questions. How do I embody gratitude? Who am I when I am grateful? How do I express gratitude?

Here are the gifts I took from the retreat. I am so grateful for the people in my life, family and friends, the daily blessings that come my way, the ability to express my gratitude in a joyful, appreciative, positive manner every day and the affirmation “I have everything I need today!”

What about you? What are you grateful for? Who are you grateful for? Who are you when you are grateful? How do you express gratitude? How can you embody an attitude of gratitude today?

Wishing each and every one of you a Joyous Thanksgiving!

Gratitude Retreat
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10 thoughts on “Gratitude Retreat

  • November 30, 2014 at 7:21 pm

    Thanks Deborah. It was a rich retreat full of gifts and blessings. So glad I said yes to the invitation.

  • November 30, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    Elda, it was such a great reminder to be grateful for our amazing bodies and for all that they do for us. Thanks for your comments!

  • November 30, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    Thanks Christine. My health, my strong body, my ability to do so many amazing things are all on my Gratitude List.

  • November 30, 2014 at 2:04 pm

    Sounds like a wonderful and lovely experience Nancy. I love being able to participate in so many things virtually – it’s really one of things I’m truly grateful for. It’s literally world-opening. And participating in a gratitude retreat sounds so juicy.

  • November 30, 2014 at 1:34 am

    What a great exercise to send gratitude to our body parts and all that they do for us. I had learned this while attending a yoga/meditation retreat with Deepak Chopra a couple of years ago but have fallen to the wayside with that practice. THANK YOU for the reminder!! It feels so good when we give thanks to our feet or hands or ears or whatever. Sounds like your whole experience was so wonderful. Great post!

  • November 28, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    Nancy – Sounds delightful – Thank you for sharing. I am grateful for my body and my health and the ability to do things like climb a mountain today 🙂

  • November 26, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks for your comments Linda. I agree that through our online community I have met some amazing people I might not have met otherwise. We are fortunate to have our vibrant online Inspired Blogging group. Happy Thanksgiving Linda!

  • November 26, 2014 at 1:32 pm

    Heather, I am also grateful for you and the other members of the Inspired Blogging group. It is a rich group full of creative kindred spirits. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  • November 26, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    I have so much to be grateful for. Your post sparks me to be grateful for my online community, the teleconferences, meditations and ongoing meetups and sharing that are now a part of my life. As you write, it is a very real way of connecting. And, as an added bonus, the people that I’ve been able to meet in real time that I would probably never have known without the virtual meet up. Thank you for the reminder!

  • November 26, 2014 at 9:17 am

    Wow! Two hours on the phone seems like a long time, but it sounds like it was an experience you would do again. Thanks for sharing the questions. I am grateful for my family, for art and creativity and often for the internet that helps connect me to people like you! Happy Thanksgiving, Nancy!

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