winterI was out early today walking in the snow and I noticed a number of footprints on the walking path and those footprints prompted this blog post. I asked myself, do I want to follow in another’s footprints or make my own? The answer is both. Sometimes following in another’s footprints is the way to go. The way is clearly marked and I can see where I am going. At other times I choose to make my own footprints like I did this morning. It’s like being a trail blazer, charting my course, marking the path as I go. Footprints in the snow is a great metaphor for where I am in my life today. I have my first successful retreat on my list of accomplishments and am busy creating my second one, as well as monthly workshops and classes. My second retreat will definitely be easier than my first because of the footprints I have already laid down. The workshops I am designing are new footprints and will lead me to the path I am supposed to take. I will examine other workshops/footprints to see what those who have gone before me have created. I will add my own distinctive footprint to each of the workshops I develop. There is something about being a trail blazer, an explorer, a cartographer that appeals to my sense of adventure. As Julia Cameron says in The Artist’s Way, I have my “marching orders”, so forward march. The following quote speaks to this. “I learn by going where I have to go.”   – Theodore Roethke

What about you? Are you blazing your own trail? What path are you following? Do you need to change direction? What are the rewards of charting your own course? What are you called to create?

I invite to explore how you can be a trail blazer charting your own course. Join me at The Artist’s Way class starting January 12, 2015, in St. Paul. Details on my website.

Footprints in the Snow
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2 thoughts on “Footprints in the Snow

  • November 19, 2014 at 10:42 am

    Wow, what a courageous step you’ve taken Kama! Please blog about your adventures, would love to hear where life is taking you:)

  • November 19, 2014 at 10:22 am

    I am finally creating my own path. A couple of years ago, we placed everything in storage and decided to see where life would take us. Such an adventure. Lovely post 🙂

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