Tis the season for holiday lights, Christmas trees, baking Christmas cookies, decorating the house, singing Christmas carols, holiday movies and so much more. Here are some of the things I’ve noticed over the years which occur at this special time
Tis the Season
How is your Holiday Season going so far? Are you running nonstop buying, wrapping, baking, doing, doing, stressed out and overwhelemed? Or are you savoring the season, this time of silence, beauty and joy? Silent night, Holy night, all is
Juicy Living Cards
“Juicy Living cards by SARK are reminders of living exuberantly and joyfully, especially when you feel stuck or crabby. The cards help give you permission to Be How You Actually Are.” I am a big SARK fan and I have
The Joy of Wonder
Remember being a child and getting down on your hands and knees to watch a caterpillar crawl around? It never seemed to go very far but I would watch patiently just in case it did something spectacular. That sense of
“Living Juicy” by SARK
Living Juicy Daily Morsels for your Creative Soul by SARK is one of my favorite books. I am a huge fan of hers and own a number of her books. I like the simplicity of her sayings, the childlike quality