Living Juicy“Juicy Living cards by SARK are reminders of living exuberantly and joyfully, especially when you feel stuck or crabby. The cards help give you permission to Be How You Actually Are.” I am a big SARK fan and I have had her Juicy Living Cards for many years. Currently I am teaching a 12 week class called The Vein of Gold on Monday nights. The Vein of Gold by Julia Cameron is the sequel to The Artist’s Way. At the end of class every week each woman draws a SARK card as well as an Artist’s Way Creativity Card. They take them home and write about and/or meditate about them and return the cards the next week. I forgot to pull my cards last week so this morning I chose one from each deck. The SARK card I chose says “Live Your Succulent Wild Life!” on one side and the other side says “Choosing Succulence is a Deliberate Act of personal revolution. It means Waking Up! Embracing your true self, studying your patterns and letting out your Most Alive Self. We All Have One.”

As I contemplate my juicy card, some questions bubble up for me. What would a succulent wild life look like? What do I need to wake up to? How can I embrace my true self today? How can I let out my most alive self? What does she look like? How does she act? What are her words? What is her favorite song? What is her favorite color?

What about you? Are you living a succulent wild life? If not, how can you go to that place? What do you need to wake up to in your life? How can you be deliberate about choosing a succulent life? What does your succulent wild life look like? How can you embrace your true self?

I invite you to join me at the next Artist’s Way class starting January 12 in St Paul. Find out more about how you can live a juicy, succulent and creative life. Details on my website.

Juicy Living Cards
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6 thoughts on “Juicy Living Cards

  • November 18, 2014 at 5:14 am

    Your two cards really compliment each other. When I’m thinking about my succulent wild life, on the outside it wouldn’t be a whole lot different than now, but I would feel a lot more alive and energetic. Working on it!

  • November 14, 2014 at 4:30 pm

    Thanks Deborah. SARK is such a free spirit isn’t she? I absolutely love her artwork, sense of whimsy and her words of wisdom. She is a nice balance to Julia’s work. Glad to hear you are living a juicy life. Your blog posts indicate that:)

  • November 14, 2014 at 4:27 pm

    Oh what a fabulous weekly practice for your group Nancy! I imagine it’s jumpstarting an avalanche of creativity. And I think it’s delightful to merge a little of the highly whimsical colorful SARK energy into Julie Cameron’s a bit-more-sedate work – how refreshing and vibrant!

    I’m doing my best to live a succulent juicy creative life filled with color and joy and plenty of fun.

  • November 14, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    Thanks for your comments Rebecca. Where do you live? I have a new class starting in the Twin Cities in January. One of my goals for 2015 is to offer an Artist’s Way tele-class so more people can take advantage of the classes. The Artist’s Way has been life changing for me:)

  • November 14, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    Hi Nancy – I LOVE the concept – I have heard about The Artists Way for sometime, what a cool concept!

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