yellow birdsAs I walked this morning I was reminded that it’s OK to change direction. I was headed over to check out a new neighborhood market and as I crossed the street in that direction, I heard a voice saying “That’s not where my energy is today.” So I gave myself permission to change direction. Instead of heading to the market I chose a nature path and was rewarded with numerous wildflower sightings, a chorus of birds singing and a glimpses of the nearby river. It was a very tangible reminder that it’s OK to change direction. Sometimes, it’s imperative that we change direction. If you are working 80 hours a week instead of the 60 hours you committed to, change direction. If you are in a relationship that is stalled out, change direction. If you are in a job that is energy draining rather than energy giving, change direction. If  you are not on your right path, change direction. If you are bored with your exercise program, change direction. If you are wondering “is this all there is?” change direction. If your life is not bringing you joy, change direction. If you are no longer feeling challenged in your job, change direction. Sometimes all we need to do is look at things from a different perspective or through a new set of glasses and then we can give ourselves permission to change direction.

What about you? What are you tolerating in your life? In what area of your life do you need to change direction? What is the decision you have been avoiding? What are you settling for? How can you be more flexible and less rigid? How can you give yourself permission to change direction today?

I invite you to schedule a complimentary coaching session today. I can help you to let go of what no longer serves you and to embrace the life you deserve.

Changing Direction
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6 thoughts on “Changing Direction

  • June 7, 2014 at 9:40 pm

    A lovely reminder Nancy to stay in the moment and honor your guidance.

  • June 7, 2014 at 6:25 pm

    I liked this article because I continue to learn the balancing act to know when to change direction or when to stay the course – in my opinion the key is listening to your intuition as you so beautifully demonstrated.

  • June 7, 2014 at 3:52 pm

    Sounds like you had a nice walk. It is fun when the guidance is so clear like that.

  • June 5, 2014 at 7:33 pm

    A change of direction is coming up very soon as I finish up my Associate’s Degree and channel the energy into even more looking for work.

  • June 5, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    Wise wise advice. I need to conciously work on the being less rigid and more flexible. Having my two kids back home from university for the summer is a huge help. They constantly nudge me to do new things and I am finding it so healthy – both physically and spiritually.

  • June 5, 2014 at 7:17 am

    Nancy I took a massive directional change at the start of the year and although it has been exhausting at times it is exhilarating to be on a new and exciting career path. Yes, Yes, Yes it is okay to change direction.

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