What does it mean to be Fearless? The dictionary defines fearlessness as without fear, brave, courageous, intrepid, valiant, bold. It takes courage to step beyond what is comfortable, predictable, and known. Last week I had an opportunity to speak to a bariatric support group. The 25-30 people at the meeting have either had bariatric surgery or are contemplating it. This is a courageous group of people in my book. Surgery is anything but comfortable, predictable or known.
On my desk is a card that says Do Something Fearless Today, it is a great reminder for me to step outside my comfort zone and take a risk every day. I am currently marketing my October Artist’s Way Retreat and fearless is my middle name. Not only am I using social media to market the retreat, I am doing email blasts, posting flyers in local co-ops and coffee shops, handing them out to people when I am out and about and implementing any other creative ideas which pop into my head. I put down a significant, non-refundable deposit for the exclusive use of the retreat center and this was a huge leap of faith for me. When the fear gremlin appears, I notice it and tell it to get lost. I am Fearless Felicity today, not Fearful Franny. In one of my daily readings today, Daily Word, I came across the following. “Before seizing any new opportunity, it is natural to feel fear. With faith, I face any fear and bravely take the leap from opportunity to action. When I say yes and decide to move forward, the Universe lines up to support me.” My goal is to stay in today and not go down the road wondering what if, trusting the Universe to send me what I need. So today I have done something fearless, I have shared this blog post with you.
What about you? Where in your life do you need to be courageous? What will you do today that is fearless? How can you step beyond what is comfortable, predictable and known?
I invite you to explore your fearlessness and your creativity at the October Artist’s Way Retreat. You will be glad you did. Details on the Events page of my website. http://nancyjambor.com/events/
Thanks for your comments Gail:)
Sometimes we don’t even recognize fear as such. It can masquerade as so many other things. Thanks for the reminder!
Today, not so much.
Tomorrow, I will record a video for my online resume, and Friday I am going in for a job interview. I will need to overcome my fear and use it to fuel my presentation.
Thanks for your response Scott and good luck with your interview!