What is it about being in nature that makes us feel so good? The fresh, clean air, the scent of pine needles and leaves, the sun on our skin, listening to the birds and squirrels, and the list goes on.
What Does Abundance Look Like?
The dictionary defines abundance as plentiful, sufficient, ample, more than enough, copious. Wayne Dyer says “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” Suze Orman states, “Abundance is about being rich, with or without money.” Here’s
Share Your Shine!
I attended a retreat the last week of October in Virginia Beach, VA, called Creative Business Retreat by the Sea. It was led by the amazing LauraWest at joyfulbusiness.comĀ and it was Fabulous! During one of the sessions, the phrase “Share
Compassion Opens my Heart
Compassion has been on my mind lately and I have been contemplating what it means to me. Here’s an exercise I did in my journal recently which helped me define how compassion is showing up in my life today.
Get Out There and Walk!
I am an avid walker and I prefer to walk outdoors. There’s something about being out in the fresh air, walking briskly, listening to the sounds of nature that makes me really come alive. I came across an article on