What is Treasure Mapping? It’s a hands-on, creative, fun process that can be done in a group or alone. Treasure mapping is a visual representation of what you want to achieve. Your vision board or treasure map can represent your goals, dreams, visions; whatever you are wanting to manifest in your life. There are no rules in treasure mapping but here are a few guidelines which might be useful for you. Step 1 – clarify your goals. Step 2 – Gather a stack of magazines, scissors, glitter, stickers, paint, gel pens, markers, colored pencils, rubber stamps and any additional art supplies you want to use for your project. Step 3 – spend about 20-30 minutes cutting, tearing or ripping images and words which speak to you. This part of the process is stream of consciousness, no thinking, judging, analyzing, just let it rip. Step 4 – Now the real fun begins. Arrange your images and words on a piece of poster board, art paper or construction paper. This is where your creativity comes into play. You are the artist, the creator of your treasure map, so let your creativity and intuition lead you. Glue your images and words in a way that is pleasing to you. Your treasure map will be as unique as you are. Once you’ve arranged and glued your words and images, it’s time to illustrate, embellish and decorate your vision board. This is an optional step. If your treasure map feels complete with words and images, then you’re almost done. I recommend dating your treasure map and adding an affirmation such as “My ideal job is now here.” or “I love living in my new home.” or “I am enjoying traveling internationally.” Affirm whatever it is you want to manifest in your life. Step 5 – display your treasure map in a prominent place. It will be a constant reminder of what you want to achieve in your life. Treasure mapping can be a powerful tool to help you manifest your dreams, visions and goals. Try it, you’ll be glad you did.
My November 7th Discover The Artist’s Way Retreat will include a treasure mapping session. It will be held at Carondelet Center in St Paul. There are only 4 spots available, register today! http://nancyjambor.com/events/
I’ve loved ripping up magazines since I was a kid, and so having the process sanctified as an approved art preparation was a true delight to me in my later years. I love treasure mapping, and I recently learned how to do a map fold (not all that easy or intuitive) – and so I created a treasure map of something I’m holding close to my heart and keeping it folded up. It makes it all the more delicious to unfold it and peer at it periodically. 🙂
I also cut things out of magazines as a girl and pasted them in my scrapbook (which I still have). You peaked my curiosity Deborah when you mentioned the map fold. Tell me more, I’m intrigued:) Thanks for your comments, always good to hear from you!
Good for you Vickie! Have fun creating your vision board this weekend:)
i have to admit – I didn’t do a vision board this year – this inspired me to do one over this long weekend. Since I work in an advertising agency – I’m going to the mailroom to take some of the magazines that are left over!
I will be doing this, Nancy, thank you!
Have fun with it Janet!
I love cutting and sticking, it can give you a lot of insights into the ‘how’ as well as what it is what you’re trying to manifest.
It is a great way to express our creativity while getting into the childhood game of cutting, pasting and being messy. Thanks for your comment Tat!