girl readingHere is a creative exercise I learned at a women’s retreat I attended in May. It’s called the 7 – line poem and this is how it works. Start with 2 words such as creativity is & then use the last word in the sentence as the first word in the next line. These are stream of consciousness, short & sweet. Don’t think, analyze or judge, just let the words flow. Here are a few examples from my Morning Pages.


  • 1 – Creativity is our natural state.
  • 2 – State of mind is everything.
  • 3 – Everything is as it should be.
  • 4 – Be creative today.
  • 5 – Today is the day to begin.
  • 6 – Begin now, don’t delay.
  • 7 – Delay will hold you back

Here’s another one.

  • 1 – Creative people are fun.
  • 2 – Fun is in our nature.
  • 3 – Nature is alive with creativity.
  • 4 – Creativity lives in my soul.
  • 5 – Soul knows all.
  • 6 – All is well.
  • 7 – Well is deep.

And one more:

  • 1 – Art is messy.
  • 2 – Messy and fun is art.
  • 3 – Art is silly.
  • 4 – Silly and simple is art.
  • 5 – Art is personal.
  • 6 – Personal is my art.
  • 7 – Art is sublime.

What I like about this simple exercise is that the words flow easily and effortlessly. Sometimes the poems contain a message for me. These little gems are full of wisdom and direction. I pay attention to the messages and I take them to heart. What is the Universe trying to tell me? What do I need to pay attention to today? Where am I feeling blocked? Try this simple yet profound exercise, it’s really fun!

This is one of the exercises we will explore at the fallĀ Artist’s Way Retreat, October 19 -21 at the ARC Retreat Center near Cambridge, MN. Early bird discount runs through 8/31/14, $309. Reserve your space today!

Revisiting the 7-Line Poem
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