sailboatRecently I mentioned to a friend how unsettled I have been feeling and she suggested I look for the calm in the midst of the changes and chaos going on in my life. I decided to take her advice and here’s what I came up with.

The dictionary defines calm as 1. – a period or condition of freedom from storms, high winds or rough water, 2. – complete or almost complete absence of wind, 3. – a state of tranquility, 4. – marked by calm: still, placid, serene. I am looking for a new place to live and the process has been anything but calm. Most of the landlords/property managers don’t even respond to emails or voice mails. I keep wondering how they can expect to rent their apartments when they don’t respond to potential renters. I have also been using Craig’s List to search for a place to live. At first I was scrolling through about 500-600 listings per night and it was exhausting. I finally figured how to filter down the listings and it’s so much easier this way.

Some of the questions I am asking myself throughout this process are:

  • What am I supposed to be learning during this time of change and uncertainty?
  • How can this time of searching be a period of visioning  what I want to manifest in the next chapter of my life?
  • What metaphor might be helpful to me as I navigate these rough waters and high winds of change?
  • What tools do I have in my toolkit to aid me in staying calm, serene and centered?
  • How can I accept that this is a temporary state of affairs and not a permanent one?
  • Who can I count on to support me during this time of change and upheaval?

What about you? Are you facing some changes in your life? If yes, how can you gracefully walk through them? Who can support you during this time when the path is not clearly marked? How can you remain calm in the midst of change and uncertainty?

I invite you to schedule a complimentary Creative Strategy Session with me and we can explore these questions together. Details are on my website.

Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos
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8 thoughts on “Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos

  • March 5, 2016 at 3:20 pm

    Good luck on finding a new place to live – and I agree with all, it can be a very stressful time. I have been trying to live more simply, without as many things as before. It helps, but it is always a work in progress. I look forward to hearing more!

  • March 3, 2016 at 2:13 pm

    Thanks for your comments and suggestions Kama. I am looking at this as an adventure and will feel so much better when I find my perfect place. Would love to hear about some of your adventures and the places you’ve lived. Maybe you can do a blog post about it:)

  • March 3, 2016 at 2:03 pm

    As someone who has lived in several countries over a span of 30 years I have become used to moving. That doesn’t mean it is a breeze thought. I try to see it as an adventure. Each day is new and as you said, not permanent. I also believe it is important to take regular breaks for a cup of tea or just to breathe, even more so when we feel rushed or stressed. In the stressed state of mind we achieve less. I hope you find the perfect place soon.

  • March 2, 2016 at 8:54 am

    Thanks Debbie. Yes, moving can be so stressful and there’s the excitement about what’s next too. I am checking in with my Higher Power every day in my morning pages and asking for direction and peace is a great suggestion.

  • March 2, 2016 at 8:53 am

    Thanks for your suggestion Deborah about flower essences and essential oils. I will definitely check into it.

  • March 2, 2016 at 8:29 am

    I think ‘moving’ has got to be one of the most stressful times in one’s life and yet…so exciting too! I find I crave ‘quiet time’ in those moments of great stress…a time to reflect and ask my higher power for direction and peace. Good luck!

  • March 2, 2016 at 7:27 am

    I’m glad you’re figuring out helpful ways to deal with this Nancy, and I hope you find your new place soon with perfect ease and grace. I find working with flower essences and essential oils can be very useful in shifting my energetic state.

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